Stinging Insects

What are stinging insects?

Oregon is home to many types of stinging insects. Stinging insects are insects that use a venom-filled stinger to defend themselves. The  National Pest Management Association reports that stinging insects send more than half a million people to the emergency room every year  and some 2 million people are at risk of experiencing a life threatening allergic reaction to insect stings.

Stinging insects are considered to be dangerous pests, especially when they decide to build a nest in or near a home. Great care should always be taken around them because they tend to be aggressive and territorial – delivering painful stings to defend themselves and nest. The venom that stinging insects possess is strong enough to trigger serious allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, in some people. Also, stinging insects like carpenter bees can cause structural damage in homes they have decided to nest in.


Bees and wasps are invasive, they can be damaging to the structure of your home, and they may be dangerous for you and your family to be around. The most successful and safest control is through proper identification of the insect and knowledge of their nesting habits and biology.

Altus Pest Control helps protect your family and pets from all types of stinging insects by helping you build a pest barrier around your property. Though it is impossible to stop a bee or wasp from flying onto your property, it is completely feasible to limit exposure to bees, wasps and yellow jackets.

What is the Difference Between Bees and Wasps?

Bee and wasp removal techniques vary, so it’s important when identifying an infestation to determine which of the two pests you’re dealing with. However, it can be difficult to distinguish bees and wasps—people often mistakenly call all stinging insects “bees.” This isn’t surprising considering that the two species have a lot in common. While both social wasps and bees live in colonies ruled by queens and maintained by workers, they look and behave differently. Wasps can be easily identified by their slender abdomen, long wings, and shiny appearance. Whereas bees are more likely to attack when provoked, wasps are naturally more aggressive predators. Wasps’ appearance is species-dependent, but in general, most have two pairs of wings and a cinched waist. Honey bees are hairy, while wasps are usually void of body hair. Common examples of wasps include paper wasps and yellow jackets. Despite their name, bald-faced hornets are also a type of wasp.

HONEY BEES – Please note, if you have a swarm of Honey Bees, these must be collected by a Beekeeper  as Altus Pest Control will not treat these protected insects, We can recommend James Simpson in Baker OR (541) 403-0787.

How Altus Pest Control Can Protect Your Property from Unwanted Stinging Insects

We utilize the latest, most up to date methods to eliminate these troublesome pests. Our stinging insect service will safely eliminate both stinging insects and the source of the problem. Our technicians are highly trained, knowledgeable, and have the proper equipment to take care of your stinging insect problem. Safety is our priority when we arrive at your home for a thorough inspection.

Our basic service includes stinging insects and focuses on eradicating them from your property. Treating the nests of stinging insects can vary. Depending on the type of stinging insects found during treatment, we may utilize removal services or the use of insecticides. We provide spot treatments as well as long-term control of hornets, yellow jackets and wasps. We can provide you with guidance on what to expect before and after treatment. We guarantee fast, responsive service with competitive pricing in the Weiser & Emmett regions. “Green” Treatments are also available. To learn more about our services, reach out to us!

Protecting Your Property from Unwanted Insects